Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mediatization of youth by (Fr. Christian Buenafe)

The symposium was great, I learn many things about it and I really had a great time listening to Fr. Buenafe. I Learn many things especially about the effect of media not only to my life but to everybody's life as well.Fr. started the symposium by defining what is media, as defined media is a channel of communication, through media we can transmit information from one place to another. Today we are living in a multimedia age were almost all forms of media is everywher, according to the speaker Pope Jhon Paul II redifined media, today it is not only a channel but it becomes a way of life of the people, we are being influenced very trimendously by what we see, hear and read in any forms of

Forms of media

  1. visual media

  2. printed

  3. broadcast

  4. electronic

  5. folk/traditional

  6. non-media communication

Fr. Buenafe discussed to us the effect of media not only to the old ones but most especially to the young ones and the youth. I have learned that the most focussed of the media influence is the kids and the youth.

Media is very useful to us if we are only using it well, it can be the source of information it helps us well informed with the happinings around us not only in local scenes but it goes international, but most of us are not aware of its effects we are not concious that it almost rule our life we are getting so dependent to what is the latest and the inn's of today.

Almost all of us are wathching TV, DVD, listening to music on radios, ipod, mp5 and many other new product of tecxhnologies. We are not aware that it still our time instead of being productive we are stock up in our room and enjoy media. The way we dress and the way we are we are basing it according to what we see, hear and read.

As youth of taday we should be aware and be responsible with our decisions and acts. We should not let ourself to be a slave of media.


"Manong Manunula" D' Poet man said...
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